Sunday, January 26, 2014

Unit 1 Notes

I.                   Macroeconomics - a study of major components of an economy
-      Inflation, GDP, unemployment, supply/demand

Microeconomics - a study of how households/firms make decisions and interact in markets
-      supply/demand, market structures

-      Positive - one which attempts to describe the world as it is
o     Minimum wage cause unemployment
-      Normative - attempts to tell how the world should be
o   Government should raise minimum wage
II.                Wants vs. Shortage
Wants - desires of citizens; are broader than needs
Needs - what is necessary for survival 

III.             Scarcity vs. Shortage
-      Scarcity - basic fundamental economic problem that all society’s face (wants>needs)
-      Shortage – Demand is > quantity

IV.             Goods vs. Services
-      Goods - tangible commodities 
o   Consumer - goods intended final use by the consumer
o   Capital - items used in creation of other goods
§   machinery, trucks
-      Services - work performed for someone else 

V.                Factors of Production
1.      Land
2.      Labor
3.      Capital
4.      Entrepreneurship
-      Opportunity Cost- The most desirable alternative given up by making a decision 
-      Product Possibilities Graph (PPG) - shows alternative ways to use resources.
-      Product Efficiency- Producing at the lowest cost, allocating resources efficiently, full employment of resources (any point on the curve)
-      Allocative Efficiency- Combination that is most desired by society where to produce on the curve

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