Sunday, March 23, 2014

Video Notes

Video 1: Types and Functions of Money 
3 types of money 
Commodity – goods that act as money
Representative – coins and dollars 
Flat money – government’s word 
3 main functions 
Medium of exchange 
Storage of value 
Unit of account 

Video 2: Money Market Graphs 
Money supply 
Constant b/c it is controlled by the interest rates and gov’t. 
Vertical b/c it’s not based off of interest rates 
Increase demand = increase interest rates
The law of demand – if the price is high quantity demanded is low, if price is low quantity demanded is high

Video 3: The Fed’s tools of monetary policy 
The gov’t uses two options regarding changes in the money supply
Contractionary (tight money)
Expansionary (easy money) 
Contractionary fiscal policy 
Reserve rate will ↑
Discount rate will ↑
Gov’t will sell bonds and securities 
Expansionary fiscal policy 
Reserve rate will ↓
Discount rate will ↓
Gov’t will buy bonds and securities 

Video 4: The Loanable funds Market 
Loadable funds graph 
Supply curve is completely dependent on saving
If more people save, then more loans are available 
If gov’t is in a deficit then demand for loans will increase, which leads to a decrease in supply of loans 

Video 5: Money creation and multiple deposit expansion 
Money is created when banks make loans 
To find how much money a loan creates you must:
Find the multiplier – (1/RR)
Multiply by the loan amount = multiple deposit expansion 
RR = 20% 
5(500) = 2500

Video 6: Relating Money market, Loanable funds Market, AD/AS model
Exchange : MV = PQ
Increase in demand for money increases price level 
Increase in demand for money increases interest rate, which causes the demand curve to increase resulting in the price levels to increase as well as GDPr  in AD/AS graphs 

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